Vote for Us – KCAI

Following the overwhelming success of the inaugural Kennel Club Accredited Instructor (KCAI) Trainer of the Year Awards, the search has begun for the 2015 champion.
Last year 110 KCAI trainers were nominated for the 2014 Trainer of the Year Award from almost 1000 clients who passionately believed that the nominee truly made a positive difference to dogs. Canine behaviourist Carolyn Menteith was announced as the winner at a ceremony at Crufts 2015.
Kennel Club Secretary, Caroline Kisko said:
“This is a fantastic initiative that recognises KCAI members that go above and beyond to make a positive difference to dogs.
“Carolyn, along with all of last year’s finalists provide inspiration to fellow KCAI members and those not yet involved with the scheme in their approach and commitment to their industries. It is vital we recognise and support these efforts in order to jointly improve the standard of dog training as a whole.”
Please register your vote for Lammermuir Gun Dogs here;